College Park Dog Park Association

Rules and Regulations

Effective October 15, 2011

Membership in the College Park Dog Park Association is contingent upon a member's agreement with the rules listed below.  Prospective members and current members are asked to agree with these terms at the time of application and renewal for membership.

  1. Members use the park at their own risk

  2. Park hours are from dawn until dusk

  3. All dogs must be up to date with rabies vaccination and free of contagious disease.

  4. Only dog owners may bring dogs to the park.

  5. Owners must watch their dogs at all times

  6. Last member to leave the park is responsible for locking the gate

  7. Leaving dogs unattended is prohibited

  8. Owners are legally responsible for the actions of their dogs

  9. Dogs that instigate fights or are aggressive towards humans must be immediately removed from the park by their owners.

  10. Owners must pick up their dog’s feces

  11. Puppies under 4 months old are prohibited

  12. All new members’ dogs must be either spayed or neutered prior to acceptance into membership

  13. Owners must stop their dogs from digging and fill any holes they make. Topsoil to fill holes is located inside storage bins in foyer.

  14. Leashes, pinch collars, and choke chains must be removed and left outside play area

  15. Abuse in any form will not be tolerated at the park.

  16. When a dog comes into the foyer, owners must control their dogs to allow the newcomer to enter the park.

  17. No food-animal or human- is allowed in the park

  18. In accordance with  Maryland-National Capital Area Park and Planning Commission, alcoholic beverages are prohibited on all park property

  19. The entire fenced-in property (including foyer/entrance) of the dog park is a non-smoking area

  20. Children younger than 8 years old are not allowed inside the dog park; Children 8 years old – 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult member. Children are discouraged from playing with the dogs; the dogs are at the park to socialize with other dogs.

  21. Visitors/potential members are allowed to visit the park one time prior to joining

  22. The College Park Dog Park Association is not responsible for any injuries or damages acquired while at the  Dog Park . This applies to all members, their dogs, and any accompanying persons.

  23. CPDPA reserves the right to revoke the permit(s) of any member who does not follow the rules of the dog park.