Welcome to our pawsome Dog Park!
About Us!
The College Park Dog Park Association coordinates membership-based access to the Acredale Park dog facility managed by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, in College Park, Maryland and has done so continuously since 2002.
The mission of the College Park Dog Park Association is to keep the park friendly, safe and clean, in cooperation with the M-NCPPC. The dog park is fenced, has running water, members pitch in to keep the park clean of waste, and M-NCPPC maintains a healthy ALL GRASS surface with shade trees. A paved path leads to the park from the parking area.
Our About page includes details about becoming a member of the College Park Dog Park. It should answer most of your membership questions.
Our Membership Fees are only $30/year for one dog and $10/year for each additional dog in a household.
Have more questions? The
Contact Us page provides ways to reach the CPDPA Officers.
College Park Dog Park Association
Rules and Regulations
Effective October 15, 2011
Membership in the College Park Dog Park Association is contingent upon a member's agreement with the rules listed below. Prospective members and current members are asked to agree with these terms at the time of application and renewal for membership.